Bradden is a small and friendly village with a population of 148 people. In addition to St Michael's there is a Village Hall which has recently under gone refurbishment and it is in these two places are where the community gathers all types of events.
St Michael's regularly has a monthly 9:15am Communion Services and other seasonal services. You will find a warm welcome from the congregation. Highlights of the year are the Easter and Christmas Services (details of which can be found via our website, weekly mailing and Facebook page).
Once or twice a year we organise specific events for children and their families. These are interactive and creative sessions where we encourage the whole family to take part and engage and reflect on faith for them.
We produce a weekly email which is sent out Friday lunch time and includes details of that weekends services, reflection for the coming weekend, events and much more. To sing up for the mailing please use this link