Sunday 8am Said Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St Peter's, Weston Favell
High Street Weston Favell Northampton, NN3 3JX, United Kingdom

A said, contemplative, service of Holy Communion at 8am.

Sunday Communion 10am

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter's, Weston Favell
High Street Weston Favell Northampton, NN3 3JX, United Kingdom

A holy communion service, this is a welcoming service for people of all ages and stages of faith. A mix of music, good preaching and prayer is followed by an opportunity to spend more time growing friendships over coffee in the Church Hall.

All are welcome. During term times, there are separate activities for primary age children during the service.

This service is livestreamed on our public facebook page and on our YouTube channel.

Wild Worship

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter's, Weston Favell
High Street Weston Favell Northampton, NN3 3JX, United Kingdom

Wild Worship is a contemporary fresh expression, enabling people to engage with the Christian faith outside of the traditional church setting. It is an all-age gathering, informal and relaxed and usually happens outdoors, weather permitting. Through our gathered worship, we explore, pray and engage with Jesus, seeking God in creation and the natural world. Wild Worship has roots in the fifth Mark of Mission, to Treasure what God has given us, emphasising good stewardship towards the whole of creation.

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Wednesday Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Peter's, Weston Favell
High Street Weston Favell Northampton, NN3 3JX, United Kingdom

A said service of Holy Communion.

Our calm said communion service is followed by an opportunity to enjoy each other's company over coffee in the Church Hall. All are welcome.

Tiny Tots

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Church Hall
Church Hall

St Peter's Tots have a lot of fun every Wednesday (in term time) from 1.30-3pm in the Church Hall. Stories and songs, crafts and playtime, all accompanied by a welcome cuppa for the grown-ups. A chance to make friends, learn more about God and relax together. You don't have to be a churchgoer to come - all are welcome.

In warm weather we also have the option of playing outside on Peter's Patch. Come and meet us.

Term Times only

Weekly Eucharist at St Johns Home

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
St Johns Home
St Johns Home, 675 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, NN3 3JF

You are invited to join residents for their weekly Eucharist in the Home.

You are invited to stay for lunch on the first Thursday in the month - please book a few days in advance

Peter's Praise

Every First, Second, Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Church Hall
Church Hall, High Street, Weston Favell, Northampton, NN3 3JX, United Kingdom

A lively informal service particularly with families in mind but suitable for all.
Café style, interactive, conversational, all age worship with singing, crafts, play and food.
On the second Sunday of the month there is normally communion as well.

Youth Life

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Rectory
The Rectory, 48a Church Way Weston Favell Northampton, NN3 3BX

A group for years 9-13 meeting during term times on first and third Sunday evenings.
Fun, Friendship, games, Chillin, Bible Study & Prayer

Term Times only

Youth Café

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter's, Weston Favell
High Street Weston Favell Northampton, NN3 3JX, United Kingdom

Young people of secondary age are invited to the Hervey Room in the Church Hall on first and third Sundays. 6.30 to 8pm. Games and bible studies, topical discussions and chill time together are all on the menu, along with anything else the members might request. And food!

Term Times only

Lent Lunch

Every Saturday at for 2 hours
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Church Hall
Church Hall

Lent Lunches for Charity
8th March - Mothers’ Union charities
15th March - Little Princess Trust
22nd March - Motor Neurone Disease
29th March - Ukraine Medical Aid
5th April - Creator Share Foundation Project UK
12th April - St Giles Trust

Tea @ 2

Monthly. Every Second Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter's, Weston Favell
High Street Weston Favell Northampton, NN3 3JX, United Kingdom

An opportunity once a month for people to meet socially for conversation, quizzes and great cake!

2nd Tuesday of the month

Rector's Drop-In

Saturday 18 January 2025, Saturday 15 February 2025, Saturday 15 March 2025, Saturday 12 April 2025, Saturday 17 May 2025, Saturday 14 June 2025, Saturday 12 July 2025, Saturday 20 September 2025, Saturday 18 October 2025, Saturday 22 November 2025, Saturday 13 December 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter's, Weston Favell
High Street Weston Favell Northampton, NN3 3JX, United Kingdom

Members of the St Peter's ministry and leadership teams are available in the Church Hall meeting room (the Hervey Room) every Saturday morning to take bookings, listen to concerns and answer questions

Songs of Praise at St John's Home

Monthly. Every Last Wednesday at for 1 hour
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Johns Home
St Johns Home, 675 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, NN3 3JF

Join the residents of St John's Home in Songs of Praise