Ride and Stride 2024

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Sponsor Form 2024 2 pages.pdf Download

Any money raised through St Peter’s participation in the scheme will be split between our own fabric fund and the general Historic Churches Trust fund, used to support churches in need of funds for projects such as repairs and improvements to their church buildings.


Could you plan a bicycle ride or a walk between churches participating in this special day?

They will be open to welcome you with a drink and light refreshments, and to sign your sponsor form to record that you have successfully visited them.A list of the churches you might like to visit will soon be available in July, enabling you to plan your route.

We already have a group of 3 from St Peter’s planning to participate -

Paula, Lilly and Robyn Wardle - more details to follow…..

and more are welcome to plan their own ride or stride, and seek sponsorship.

Forms will be available from the back of the church, or from the parish office for those riding or striding

- to record their route and present to each church they visit, so it can be recorded.


- to seek sponsorship from people willing to make a donation to the trust in support of their efforts.


You can support those riding or striding by sponsoring them for an amount you choose. Their forms will be available at the back of the church, or information will be sent out to enable you to pledge your support through the parish office. Authorising Gift Aid is always welcome if possible.

You could offer to sit in the church for an hour, so that the church can be open to welcome Riders and Striders from other parishes. You can offer them refreshments (which will be provided for you) and sign their forms to record that they have visited, as part of their route. There will be a list at the back of the church of the times between 10am and 6pm, for you to sign up for, with at least 2 people present at all times.

For further information contact

the parish office on 787117 or [email protected]

or Rosemary Pestell on 408712 or [email protected]