Facilities and features
Available in the Church Hall
Available in the Church Hall
At both the Church and the Church Hall
Parking is available behind the Church Hall
In the Church Hall
In the Church Hall
At the front of the Church Hall
entrance to both Church and Hall is available for wheelchair users.
There is a hearing loop in the church
Large print versions of noticesheets and all orders of service are available
Assistance Dogs are welcome at all events in the Church and the Hall
Dementia Friendly services and a welcome at all services and evens
Gluten free wafers at Holy Communion are available on request. Please tell a member of the welcoming team on arrival at Church.
Gluten free biscuits usually available in the Church Hall after 10am services.
Wheelchair access to both the Church and Church Hall
Our Building
St Peter's is working hard to grow as an Eco church, with an environmental focus on all its buildings and land. Look out for wild planting and bug hotels on Peer's Patch, and the Psalm 23 garden in the churchyard. We were grated the A Rocha silver award in 2023
St Peter's is Grade II* listed
Music and Worship
Volunteers are wanted to form a new bell ringing team.
We have a fine electronic organ
Sung Evensong is held for festivals - check the service list for details.
Our choir practices on Thursdays and sings at Sunday 10am and other special services
Groups, Courses and Activities
Youth Café meets first and third Sundays 6.30pm in the Church Hall
Life Explored is run annually
Life groups of various sort - contact church office for details
This course will run annually
Every 3rd Tuesday in the Church Hall
Tea at 2 every second Thursday
Tiny tots meets every Wednesday in term time, 1.30pm in the Church Hall
See website for more details
Help for Visitors
Other Features
Collection point in the church porch. Volunteers to help at the Weston Favell Centre Food bank are always welcome
Modern AV system
Weston Favell Village, where the church is, is a conservation area
Please contact the Church office