About Us
Built about 1880, St Michael's is a wonderfully light and open space for liturgy, concerts and drama. The 3 manual Walker organ dates from the 1930's.
We have a small, but concientious music department - we are looking singers, soprano, alto, tenor or bass.
Our worship is modern catholic with incense used on special occasions.
Emmaus House of Prayer is attached to the church. The Warden, The Revd Philip Munch, welcomes people for day retreats and pastoral counciling. Contact through the parish office. Tel: 01604-230316.
For weddings,funerals or baptism please contact Marilyn on 07714291859 or email [email protected]
The Parish Rooms are available for booking. Please contact
Mobile 07447022379
Email [email protected]
Please left click on the following link to our web site http://www.stmichaelandallangelsnorthampton.org.uk./
The church office is open on Thursdays 9.30 to 12.30
The Romanian Orthodox Church share the Church with Liturgy at 11.30am every Sunday