for 29 mins
Venue Address
St Giles Terrace Northampton, NN1 2BN, United Kingdom
This is a service of reflection and contemplation. There will be an opportunity to take holy communion or receive a prayer of blessing during the service.

St Giles

We are delighted to annouce that our church doors are open for Sunday Services.    We are also livestreaming our Sunday morning services (apart from the 1st Sunday of each month).   Please visit our church website for more information.

St Giles is an Anglican Church offering lively worship, bible teaching and a real sense of community. Our style is quite informal and modern. We have around 240 people on our electoral roll and around 400 adults and 170 children who have some kind of regular contact with us. Although we are part of the Church of England you don’t have to be an Anglican to come here!

Get in touch

Helen Goff

St Giles Parish Office
St Giles Terrace

Parish Office
(01604) 628623

Our website

What's on

Late Night Communion Service

for 29 mins
St Giles
St Giles Terrace Northampton, NN1 2BN, United Kingdom

This is a service of reflection and contemplation. There will be an opportunity to take holy communion or receive a prayer of blessing during the service.

St Giles Charity No. 1149547