Our vision is to see lives being changed by the power of Jesus, one person at a time.
We don’t follow an ideology or a cause but rather a Person. The focus of His life was the salvation of the world. When He acted and spoke, things changed. When people met him, the course of their lives was changed. He confronted the underlying causes of human sadness and suffering and he changed the course of history.
Here in Northampton and all around the world, lives are being changed by Jesus today.
This isn’t just superficial change but deep and lasting transformation. And the good news is that each and every person is invited to be part of this movement. Each one can be changed forever and can become a change maker.
At St Giles, we don’t want to settle for simply coming to church or doing church. We want to see lives changed, we want to see communities impacted and we want to see the town of Northampton being transformed. We believe that it can happen as people commit themselves to following Jesus and joining His mission to change the world.
We’d love you to come and be part of a great adventure. Come and see for yourself.