Our All Souls service, where we remember our departed loved ones, will be held on Sunday 3rd November at 5pm. You are warmly invited to worship and remember with us.Please note that our regular first Sunday Evensong service will not be held in November but returns on 1st December
Next Sunday, 6th October, we have a Harvest Thanksgiving service at 10.00am. All are warmly invited to join us as we offer thanks and praise to God for the food we eat and the love God bestows on us.
Our wellbeing garden (The Best Garden, named after two long-serving and faithful servants of the church) was officially opened on 7th September by Canon Mandy. The garden will be available for church activities, hall users, the welcoming space attendees, and, at set times, for members of the local community to enjoy. We offer our grateful thanks to Northampton Town Council and the Benefact Trust for their generous grants towards the garden, and to all who gave contributions, support in kind, and their time and energy to create this beautiful garden, and to Terry for providing our live music today. Special thanks especially to Lesley for her vision and energy in creating the garden, and to all the team and volunteers who worked with her to develop this prayerful place. May the Lord bless The Best Garden and all who spend time here and seek peace. Amen.
We had a very emotional service this morning as Canon Mandy retired after seven years faithfully serving God at Christ Church. The church family, and so many other welcome guests, gave her a wonderful send off with a beautiful sung blessing by our choir at the end of the service, followed by a presentation, and a lovely cake. We wish Canon Mandy a happy, blessed and joyful retirement, with love from all the Christ Church family, and all those you have served and helped <a></a>through your many years of loving ministry.