Facilities and features
The door is behind the font.
Unrestricted on-street parking next to the church.
The East entrance to the churchyard is always open and the North door into the church can be opened on request. Both are level access.
Large print hymn books are available at the door.
Our Building
The church is open each day from 9.30am until 4.00pm
Grade 2*
The village Post Office is opposite the church.
Music and Worship
A skilled band of ringers ring the bells before each main service. New recruits are always welcome.
The organ is used at most services
Groups, Courses and Activities
Alpha courses are advertised at the time.
The Harpole Fellowship Group is an ecumenical group which meets for an hour on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at Manning Watts House, Garners Way, Harpole. We start at 2.00pm and there is prayer, Bible study, discussion and singing. Please contact Allan Leroy 07967 717508
"Coffee in the Community" every Thursday morning from 11.00am in Manning Watts House, Garners way, Harpole. Coffee, tea and cake and a welcome for all.
Help for Visitors
Church guidebooks are available to consult on the table at the back of the North aisle.
The church is open each day from 9.30am until 4.00pm.