Related Churches
St Peter & St Paul, Preston Capes
St Mary, Badby
The 14th century building, with a fine 15th century clerestory, dominates a knoll at the top of the village, which had a population of 701 at the 2021 census.
The parish is one of five comprising the Knightley Parishes, sharing one Rector, but since April 2024 in interregnum. With invited priests and lay members a schedule of services is maintained as shown on the Services and Events page. We welcome everyone to our services.
The church is open every day between 10am and 4pm - do come and visit for quiet contemplation, prayer and exploring the heritage and history of the building over its 600 years. There is a free Quick Guide leaflet and a £3 full History as well as illustrative boards of the Pew Platform and Roof Repair Projects.
The parish of Badby St Mary is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults.
Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Julianna Hall, tel. 07802 714556 email [email protected]Diocesan Safeguarding Officer:
Victoria Kellett, tel. 01733 887040 email [email protected]Long distance paths - Knightley Way and Nene Way both start from the village.
St Michael & All Angels, Newnham
St Mary the Virgin
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