Three of the bells (numbers 2, 3 and 5) are 402 years old, the tenor bell (top right) was cast in 1822. They and the treble bell (bottom right) have not been outside the tower since 1931. The fourth bell (bottom left) was new in 2000 when it replaced a cracked bell.The project is fully described here. The timetable is expected to be:· Site meeting with all concerned - TBA· Before 16 June 2025: Remove masonry from tower doorway · 16 June 2025: Dismantle bells for removal to Bridport workshops· The church clock will not be able to chime for a couple of months!· June 2025: Repair bell frame and repaint bell frame -2 weeks· July: Tower lighting upgrade· 1 September: Re-install the bells, adjust the fittings and clock chime hammers - 5 to 7 working days.
Susan Rose led a refreshing service of Remembrance on Sunday 10 November at 11 am, preceded by the traditionally half-muffled bells ringing. Fifty people attended and commemorated, by the lighting of candles and reading of the 23 names of men from this parish who gave their lives in two World Wars with a bell tolled for every name as it was read.The D-Day landings 80 years ago was included with a young piper illustrating the story of Lord Lovat and his piper, Bill Millin.There was a retiring collection for the Royal British Legion.
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