Church Council Meeting - May 2022


Minutes of PCC meeting: 10th May 2022, held in the church

Present: Rev'd Andrea Watkins (Chair); Rev'd Kathryn Evans; Sam Dobbs; Bobbie Austin; Jean Bateman; Joan Lee; Graham Mortimer; Liz Ashton Davies (minutes)

Apologies: None

Opening prayer: Rev'd WatkinsMinutes of the last meeting (2nd Feb 2022): Accepted as accurate. Signed by AndreaMatters arising:

a) Fabric items: Repairs to bells, roof and boundary wall all complete

b) Finance: Parish Giving Scheme – PCC approved plan to join the Parish Giving Scheme and run it alongside current donation practices.

Proposed: Joan Lee; Seconded: Bobbie Austin

Agreed unanimously.

Andrea suggested we contact East Haddon about the letter they delivered to all parishioners, explaining the scheme as it had a very positive outcome.

Action: Liz to contact diocese to start process of joining scheme

Liz to contact East Haddon

Safeguarding: Andrea reported that there had been no issues since last meeting but documentation must be udpated and signed off by PCC.

Action: Sam to produce new documentation

Services and Mission:

a) Andrea thanked PCC for agreeing to Tea and Toast being held at Harlestone, also the Art/Craft sessions. They are providing a service for the community. Positive feedback from participants.. Andrea would like to create an attractive, warm, safe environment for the children in the tower. Sam will source a dehumidifier; want to create wall boards, acquire flooring, cushions, storage cubes on wheels so tower can be cleared for bell ringers. Safeguarding issues have been considered.

PCC agreed to allocate £250 for this purpose.

Action: Andrea to take forward.

b) Andrea again expressed her wish that the church is open every day. Sam to resume talks with Golf Club and clarify when / whether they will open/close every day. Caroline Bilbie always willing to open.

Action: Sam to confirm Golf Club involvement then approach Caroline if needed.

c) Services at Harlestone:

Sunday 15th May: 11am communion service

Sunday 22nd May: 10am Worship for All (Jackie)

Sunday 29th May: 10am John Evans to lead service from Book of common Prayer

Sunday 17th July: 10am – extra Benefice service at Harlestone to welcome new curate

d) Queens Jubilee: Friday 3rd June 4pm – Benefice Jubilee Service. Non communion. All singing, all dancing, all flag waving! Will be advertised.

e) Weddings: so far only 6th August and 3rd December.

Fundraising Activities:

a) Musica Music concert - 25th June 2022: Bobbie to set up sub committee with people from and beyond church. Jean and Sam volunteered to be on it. Graham will help but cannot attend.

Action: Liz to contact Radio Northampton

Sam to secure licence (Liz to nag Sam (his request!!)

Sam to check with Golf Club about possibility of parking there.

b) Gilbert and Sullivan concert 2023: Concern expressed that the group charges so much (£600 plus expenses). Also, do we have appropriate setting and facilities for them to prepare and perform? Sam suggested holding the event next April / May as memorial to Anne Mortimer. Andrea and Sam want it to be in church if it goes ahead. Group is performing at Long Buckby this Saturday (14th May).


Liz to invite Tim (group leader) to look at our church on Saturday to see if it is suitable

Liz to get feedback from Long Buckby on their experience


a) Demonstration of churchyard survey by Liz: 7pm Wednesday 13th July in church or Sam's house (tbc)

b) Glass doors – may not have enough money yet but apply for Faculty . PCC agreed to apply for a Faculty for glass doors to be installed in the porch. Proposed Graham Mortimer; Seconded: Sam Dobbs; Agreed unanimously.

Action: Liz to start application.

Treasurer's Report: distributed in advance of meeting. No questions.

a) Charities: Currently donate small amount to Diocesan Bell Ringers and to NHCT, also Christian Aid. PCC should adopt a policy on giving to charities and review it every year. This is common practice in other PCCs. Could decide to ring fence a certain amount to donate to charities and decide each year which charities (global and local) to support.

Action: Liz to create basic wording and guideline on amount for next PCC meeting.


a) Bell ringers: We come under Northampton bell ringers guild (other parishes in Benefice are serviced by other areas). Confusing. Sam communicating with various people to confirm which bell ringing guild can ring our bells. We want them to be rung!

Action: Sam to continue research.

b) Operation London Bridge (in the event of the Queen's passing): need bell mufflers. Should be full muffles but they are expensive. PCC agreed we must have them.

Action: Graham Mortimer to research and purchase.

Other actions for Operation London Bridge:

Condolences Book – we have one

Union flag to be flown at half mast (which really means third way down)

Candles and pictures

Church open

c) Grave matters (1): Chancellor has declared that Maureen Basford's grave is to remain in situ. The paperwork is to be completed retrospectively and paid. The stonemasons have been admonished by chancellor for incorrect application of the rules.

Action: Andrea to progress.

d) Grave matters (2): Andrea asked PCC if they agreed to an application to reserve a grave space for the Viesels, next to the grave of their baby.

Approval proposed by Sam Dobbs. Seconded by Jean Bateman.

Approved unanimously.

Action: Andrea to progress

e) Rota for organists: Sam and Joan have worked out new rota so they are represented around the Benefice. They felt strongly that (1) they should not be asked to play just when they turn up at church – they are entitled to be able to worship as any other member of the congregation and (2) that organists should always be paid, including for the Worship for All services so Bobbie was asked to claim for playing and then decide herself what to do with the payment.

f) Greetings card racks – Sam had collected some and the vendors also presented us with greetings cards as they are winding down their business. ?More available if we want them and if Sam is willing to pick them up from Cricklewood! They were handed over to Bobbie.

g) Notice boards: suggestion to replace broken notice board with double fronted, double doored pin board in man made timber. Guaranteed for long time. They look like wood, do not rot, come with preprinted heading and key locks. Quite expensive – ca £1500.

Liz proposed that they should be purchased. Jean seconded proposal.

Action: Sam to purchase and install.

Liz to ask if HPC can help with funding.

h) Votive candle stand: a votia is to be put in place in memory of Anne Mortimer with a small brass plaque, paid for out of donations at her funeral.

Action: Graham Mortimer to progress.

Date and time of next meeting: Tuesday 2nd August 2022 at 7pm in the church.

Meeting closed with Andrea saying the grace.