Church News December 2021


Sorry I missed the past two newsletter deadlines. At least one person missed my contribution and I thank her for her voicemail to check on my wellbeing! By explanation rather than excuse, having stood for re-election in the work role I’ve occupied for the past 15 months, I’ve just received news that I have been ‘returned’ for the next three years! One church person had presumed I was on a nice cosy run up to retirement. In fact I could’ve retired 14 months ago and am now probably working harder than ever, but it’s so rewarding and makes good use of my experience and 31 years in policing. And so I have to work church around my day job and juggle the expectations of my voluntary role(s). It’s a semi-apology for those who might be tempted to tut when church things don’t happen quite as they used to or as responsively. I do my best with the great support of the small church team around me, and there’s always room for volunteers, regardless of whether you come to church. As an example, I’m so grateful to hear from the helper who manages our Gift Aid scheme which has just seen a return of £2157 to St Andrew’s for the 2020 tax year from people’s donations given under this scheme which enhances the value of donations by 20%. I am equally grateful to the village friends who have offered to run a Christmas Market in December. I am also grateful to those who are helping me ensure that we have a Christmas Carol Service in church whilst remaining as Covid responsible as possible, leaving me to concentrate on the music. Every such little truly helps.

So, down to business. I write this on Stir-Up Sunday – the last Sunday of the church’s year – when traditionally people start their Christmas puddings and turn our minds to Advent and Christmas. I get the impression that after last Lockdown Christmas and a challenging two years, people want to be stirred up and for Christmas to be more meaningful this year and so I am delighted to be able to let you know here what will be going on in St Andrew’s this Christmas - and plenty to tell you about. I hope you like the recipe!

We start December with what’s billed as a Church Christmas Extravaganza and I’m delighted that this fundraising Christmas Market will be between 10am and 5pm on Saturday 4 December in church. We’ve licensed the church for refreshments including mulled wine and have ten good local artisan trade stalls to assist with Christmas present shopping. All are welcome – please come and support us. Put the dog on the lead, take a walk over to church, or put the kids and Gran in the car and have an hour with us having a mooch and a cuppa, or something stronger.

Then the Village School has its Carol Service on 14th December and we are delighted to turn the church over to the school community as the great community asset it is.

Later, as the big day approaches, on 21 December we will host two sittings of what we think will be ‘in-demand’ Community Carol Services – at 4pm and at 7.30pm. Both services will feature all your favourite readings and Carols, older and newer, accompanied by brass, organ and percussion, with guest pieces by Harlestone’s own Jude Wilton. Between services, the church will be aired and sanitised. After both services, the congregation will be welcomed at the Golf Club for traditional refreshments and where the bar will be open.

Admission to both Carol services will be by free tickets available in advance on the Eventbrite website. To get your tickets, please go the Eventbrite website and book there. The link is

Doing Carol Services this way will allow maximum welcome and attendance whilst being Covid safe. Do book early to avoid disappointment and to help us plan.

Then on Christmas Eve, St Andrew’s will offer the less formal but traditional Christingle Service aimed at children led by Revd Andrea, starting at 3pm. All welcome. Later on, our nearest Midnight ‘Mass’ on Christmas Eve will be at St Botolph’s, Church Brampton at 11.30pm and the Benefice Christmas Day Service will be at St Mary’s East Haddon at 10am

As I close for now, with lots to prepare and plan, let us all spare a thought and thanks for those who will have worked across the Benefice in the arrangements for ten or more special services as they collapse in their sofas on Christmas Day afternoon. Thanks to Andrea, Kathryn and Virginia and all who will help us keep Christ in Christmas and to all who will help bring the light into what seems like a subdued darkened world. Wishing the earliest but sincerest Happy Christmas to all.