

Here in the Uplands Group of Churches we take the safeguarding of the people in our churches very seriously

“We recognise that the welfare of every person is paramount regardless of age, disability, gender racial heritage, religious belief or their sexual orientation or identity. They have the right to equal protection from all types of harm and abuse.”


Safeguarding Policy

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of people as a church, we have created a strict and robust safeguarding policy that is enforced and followed. This policy was created to fit with the Diocese of Peterborough safeguarding guidelines and this policy is regularly reviewed.

We accept that most forms of abuse can occur in all communities and is most likely to occur within families and by people known to the victim. We are aware of potential warning signs and have procedures in place to follow. We follow a strict recruitment and vetting process and provide training for those wanting to be involved in working with vulnerable children/adults whether the post is paid or unpaid.

Key Policy Statements

• In all our activities we endeavour to safeguard everyone.

• We are committed to promoting and supporting a safe and friendly environment.

• When concerns are raised, we respond immediately to those concerns; we follow the diocesan procedures and take all concerns and allegations seriously.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, you must contact the Benefice Safeguarding Officer Angela Edwards on 07799 473656. If not available contact a member of the clergy.

If you cannot get hold of the Safeguarding Officer then you can contact or Rev Allison Twigg on 01604846099 or the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer Victoria Kellett [email protected]

If you have any more questions or queries about safeguarding and the Uplands Group of Churches then please contact, our Safeguarding officer Angela Edwards on 07799 473656 and she will answer any question you may have.

In recognition that safeguarding is everybody at the Uplands Group of Churches concern, please find below the link to online Basic Awareness training (C0), that all members are invited/encouraged to complete to better understand the issues.

You will be asked to register first and you should then proceed via the “Basic Awareness C0” tab.

The online module will take you somewhere between 30 and 45 minutes depending on your existing level of awareness, knowledge and experience. Notification that you have completed the module will be emailed to you on completion.

Below are some links and contact numbers that you might find useful related to safeguarding in a wider context:

• Peterborough diocese safeguarding (link is

• Northampton County Council safeguarding vulnerable Adults( link is

• Northampton county Council safeguarding children (link is

• Northampton police child abuse investigation unit.

Only use if child is in immediate danger 03000 111222

• NSPCC 080 800 5000

• Childline (for children) 0800 1111

• Kidscape 08451205204

• Mind info line 03001 233393

Action on elder abuse 08088 088141

Details on safeguarding can also be found on our website