Morning prayer

Every Monday and Wednesday at for 30 mins
The Rectory
Main Road Crick Northamptonshire, NN6 7TU, United Kingdom

Morning prayer. Sometimes Common Worship, Sometimes ASB, and sometimes Northumbrian Office.

Crick, Mid-week Holy Communion Service.

Every Wednesday at for 40 mins
St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Crick
Church Street Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TP, United Kingdom

Holy Communion. A quiet service open to the whole benefice.
Level Wheelchair access, from south entrance gate.
Toilet facilities (across road in Old school building) will be open during Service time.
"On-road" Car parking, Church street is narrow in places. Please be aware of double yellow lines on road outside the Church.

Evening Prayer

Every Tuesday and Thursday at for 30 mins
The Rectory
Main Road Crick Northamptonshire, NN6 7TU, United Kingdom

Sometimes Common Worship, sometimes ASB, sometimes Northumbrian Office

Bell-ringing practice for learners.

Every Saturday at for 2 hours
St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Crick
Church Street Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TP, United Kingdom

Regular Saturday morning bell-ringing practice for new or improving ringers. Qualified tuition with experienced helpers. Friendly atmosphere. Upper floor ringing area, up to 8 bells, tied or untied. Please contact Nick Hiams on 07598 335560 for further details. Car parking : Please be aware of recently introduced double yellow lines on road outside the Church.

Crick, 2nd. Sunday, Holy Communion.

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Crick
Church Street Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TP, United Kingdom

2nd. Sunday of the month is Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer. It includes hymns and is accompanied by an organist. Access to the church is level, however parking is on the road and please note the double yellow lines alongside the church. Toilet facilities, including disabled access, are available in The Old School Building opposite the church gate.

Little Saints

Every Monday at for 45 mins
St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Crick
Church Street Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TP, United Kingdom

This term time toddlers groups brings worship to children and parents in a low key and fun way. Meet Jack, the puppet and his bear friends, Moses and Amos. Make a craft and enjoy singing and using instruments. Level access to the Church via south door........Toilets, in old school building, across road from Church gateway......."On-road" Car parking, Church street is narrow in places. Please also be aware of recently introduced double yellow lines on road outside the Church.

Term time only.

Crick, Bell Ringing Practice, 8 Bells.

Every Second Thursday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Crick
Church Street Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TP, United Kingdom

Regular, (upper floor) bellringing practice, on the 2nd. Thursday of month. 8 Bells. "On-road" Car parking, Church street is narrow in places. Please also be aware of recently introduced double yellow lines on road outside the Church.............. (1st. Thursday at Lilbourne, 7.30pm. to 9.00pm.)

Crick, 1st Sunday Informal Service. 9.45am

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Crick
Church Street Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TP, United Kingdom

1st Sunday of the month is an inclusive all age service with worship, singing and prayers. It is based around Common Worship, and has a less formal feel. St. Margaret's Worship Band provide the music. There is level Wheelchair access, from south entrance gate.
Toilet facilities, including Wheelchair access (across road in the Old School Building) will be open during Service time.
"On-road" Car parking, Church street is narrow in places. Please also be aware of the double yellow lines outside the Church. <><><> Bell-ringing prior to Service.

Crick 3rd Sunday SHINE Children and families service 3pm

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 30 mins
St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Crick
Church Street Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TP, United Kingdom

This increasingly popular service is aimed at families and young children. It lasts for 30-40 minutes and includes interactive story telling, singing and prayers. Colin the sheep often gets lost!! Following the service families are invited to stay for a range of refreshments and children can enjoy a selection of crafts. It's busy, bustling and fun!

Home Group

Monthly. Every First, Third Monday at for 2 hours, 30 mins

We try to learn more about our Lord; what makes Him happy; and appropriate it to our lives. So the Bible is very much looked at. We pray. Then we have lovely refreshments.

Crick, 4th. Sunday, Songs of Praise.

Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Crick
Church Street Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TP, United Kingdom

4th. Sunday of each month this common worship service includes more hymns and is accompanied by an organist.
there is level Wheelchair access, from south entrance gate. ~
Toilet facilities, including Wheelchair access (across road in Old school building) will be open during Service time. ~ "On-road" Car parking, Church street is narrow in places. Please also be aware of double yellow lines on road outside the Church.

Every month.