Sunday Morning Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints
Church Street Brixworth Northampton, NN6 9BZ, United Kingdom

Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. We welcome visitors of all faiths and none.

When you arrive at All Saints’ you can expect a warm welcome. A regular member will greet you, offer you some books, and show you where you can sit. Our meetings last between an hour and an hour and a half and involve singing, praying, and a talk from the Bible.

There is a creche, activities for 3-11s, and plenty of time to meet people afterwards over tea and coffee.

We don’t expect everyone to be a convinced Christian, so you’ll never be asked to do or say anything you don’t want to. Our hope is simply that you’ll get to know us and find out more about Jesus.

3-2-1 Lent Course

Wednesday 12 March 2025, Wednesday 26 March 2025, Wednesday 09 April 2025 at for 2 hours
Brixworth Centre
Brixworth Centre, Church Street, Brixworth

The 321 course invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Over the course of 3 sessions, we present Jesus' vision for life through interactive videos that help us better understand God, the world and ourselves. The course considers God's three-ness, the world's two-ness and your one-ness.

Come and enjoy a meal before the course. Please book in advance.

Churchyard Working Party

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 3 hours
All Saints
Church Street Brixworth Northampton, NN6 9BZ, United Kingdom

On the first Saturday of each month at 10am, a group of volunteers help to keep the churchyard looking good.
We would be delighted to have more help. Please bring gardening tools and appropriate clothes and footwear.

Bach's St Matthew's Passion

Saturday 12 April 2025 at for 3 hours
All Saints
Church Street Brixworth Northampton, NN6 9BZ, United Kingdom

The St Matthew Passion tells the story of the last days of Jesus. He is betrayed, tried, crucified and buried. The lyrics were compiled by Picander (the pseudonym of Christian Friedrich Henrici), probably in close consultation with Bach himself. For their theme, they took the story as told by St Matthew the Evangelist.