Church history

Built in 1833/34, the church is one of renowned architect Anthony Salvin's earliest church works. The Heritage Listing information is as follows: <span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Ashlar with Welsh slate roof. Nave with bellcote and apsidal chancel. Romanesque style. West door has columns with cushion capitals and multi-moulded arch. Flanking one-light windows and string course rising over door and windows. Round-headed window over door flanked by trapezoidal recesses with colonettes at sides. 4-bay nave has one-light round-headed windows and string course which rises over each window. Buttresses between each bay. Chancel has priest's door with roll-moulded arch and cushion capitals, similar windows and corbel table. Gabled roof and gabled double bellcote with roll-moulded arches and cushion capitals Interior: Canted, plastered barrel-vaulted nave ceiling and round barrel- vaulted chancel ceiling. Screen and elaborate octagonal pulpit of 1915 with twisted Ionic colonettes and figures of saints in niches.</span></span>