Holy Communion on Sundays

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Belford
St Mary's, Belford, Church Street Belford, NE70 7LS, United Kingdom

Our main service of the week, followed by tea, coffee and chat.

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Midweek Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Belford
Church Street Belford, NE70 7LS, United Kingdom

A quiet half-hour Communion service followed by tea, coffee and chat.

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ZOOM Evening Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Your home
Your home

contact the clergy team for log on details

Spring Study Groups

Monday 13 May 2024, Monday 27 May 2024, Monday 10 June 2024, Monday 24 June 2024, Monday 08 July 2024, Monday 22 July 2024 at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Belford

: Do you ever stop and wonder what the words of Creed are all about, and why we say them every Sunday? (And why there are two versions?) This is a chance to look at the core of Christian belief in greater depth through the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds. There will be six sessions, once a fortnight, with a choice of Monday evenings in Belford and Thursday evenings in Bamburgh, starting on May 13th. Please let Louise know if you want to join a group.

Comunion with prayers for healing

Thursday 06 June 2024 at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Belford
Church Street Belford, NE70 7LS, United Kingdom

This is a quiet service with no hymns, which includes prayers and anointing for healing. These can be received by anyone, whatever their state of health as we pray for the healing of all that is wrong in our world as well as for ourselves or for those known to us. We do not expect miraculous healing of our ailments, but we do anticipate that all of us can be assisted in our need for wholeness.