Sharing Responsibility

Offering our times and gifts

All the time we need our members and friends to ‘get involved’, in all sorts of ways. Here are examples of the areas in which we would welcome offers of help:



Altar Servers

Readers and Intercessors

Help with refreshments


Secretarial and admin support


Graphic design skills

‘The Pelican’ writers, editors. assemblers and distributors


Regular cleaning on rota

Occasional maintenance jobs

Churchyard gardening

Flowers for decoration


Involvements with local organizations and charities

Local support for national charities

Volunteering for helping agencies locally

Help with organizing church/community social events


Caring for neighbours


What are your particular skills? Contact Rev Helen O'Sullivan  to discuss these and other possibilities.

Offering our Money for God’s work

All that we have comes from God and part of our Christian commitment must be to return a portion of it in support for the Church’s work locally and nationally. The Church of England invites its members to work towards giving 5% of our incomes for this purpose (and hopes that a further 5% will be offered to other charities etc you want to support) . Because of ‘Gift Aid’, if you are a tax payer, your gift can be enhanced by a further 25% through the church being able to reclaim the tax you have paid on what you give. What St Lawrence's needs is to know what income it can expect and to be receiving it regularly through the year. Please will you ‘share responsibility’?

Friends of St Lawrence's Church

A company of ‘Friends’ has been formed to provide extra financial support for ongoing maintenance and repair work that the church will require in years to come. This will be of special interest to those who have Shilbottle links but perhaps don’t live here anymore. You can have individual or joint membership on an annual or lifetime basis.