Regular Services at St Lawrence's Warkworth

Sunday Services

Holy Communion is celebrated at 9am each Sunday morning at St Lawrence. This service includes hymns and lasts about an hour.

The Order of Service for Holy Communion can be found here

Audio recordings of sermons can be found here

For video reflections from members of the Ministry Team, please click here

On the third Sunday of the month Choral Evensong is sung at 4pm. Anyone wanting to sing with the choir is welcome to come along at 3pm to join them for their rehearsal. No regular commitment is required. Refreshments follow the service. All welcome. This service is recorded and uploaded to the Youtube channel later the same day.

On the first Sunday of the month we join with the churches of the Deanery at St Michael's Alnwich for Choral Evensong at 6pm.

Benefice Eucharist - 10am every Sunday via Zoom/whypay this service lasts approximately 30 mins and draws people from across the benefice to share spiritual communion with those preferring to worship at home. You do not need a Zoom account to access the service and Whypay is a free telephone service which links those on the phone with those on-line.

To join this service by Zoom click here then click on the ASW logo

To join by phone for free (Whypay) dial 03330164757

Room number: 33203836# Guest pin: 3770#

Please note this whypay conference room is public and will only be hosted by a member of the ministry team from 09.55am for a 10.00 start.

Midweek Services


9.30am at St Lawrence - Holy Communion

This service takes place in the Lady Chapel and may be more accessible for those wanting to avoid larger gatherings.

6.00pm Soul Space: Adoration

This quite half hour begins with The Litany and then moves to twenty minutes of silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament concluding with a short piece of sacred music.


9.30am Morning Prayer via Zoom - lasting twenty minutes and followed by 10 mins of small group chat. You can download daily prayer here.

To join this service by Zoom click here then click on the ASW logo - copy the button on the Sunday page

People from across the benefice join together in saying Prayer During the Day at midday wherever they may be. You can access Prayer During the Day and Night Prayer on the Time to Pray app here or download a PDF here.

Elsewhere in the benefice

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri

9am Morning Prayer at St James Shilbottle


6.00pm at St John the Dvine Acklington - Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer (1662)


9.30am at St John the Divine Acklington - Celtic Morning Prayer

9.30am at St James Shilbottle - Holy Communion