Friends of St Lawrence's

The Friends of Warkworth Church

Do you have happy memories of a family celebration such as a Wedding or a Baptism at Warkworth Church?

Did you have a final service of Thanksgiving for a loved one in this beautiful building?

Does this Church mean something to you?

If so, can you help us to preserve it for future generations?

We need your support. Please join us today.

The purpose of The Friends of Warkworth Church is:

To provide an active link to those no longer living in the area who still wish to retain some roots here.

To offer a point of contact so that Friends may prearrange a briefing and conducted tour of the Church when visiting Warkworth.

To give financial support to the ongoing program of restoration work in the Church.

Friends will receive a newsletter each year.

Friends who visit Warkworth from afar and would like to have a conducted tour of the church can contact the church by using the link on this site.

To become a Friend all you have to do is contact the Vicar and request an application form. Annual subscriptions can be made for membership in the following categories:

Individual Membership £10.

Family Membership £20.

Life Membership £200 (one off payment).

Subscriptions can be paid by cheque or standing order.