Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Longframlington
Rothbury Road Longframlington Morpeth, NE65 8DL, United Kingdom

Weekly Sunday morning service of Holy Communion in St Mary's, following the Church of England Common Worship order of service.

Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Mary's Longframlington
St Mary's Longframlington, Rothbury Road Longframlington Morpeth, NE65 8DL, United Kingdom

The attachment includes order of service we are currently following: print your own copy (or read it from a smartphone) to avoid any danger of infection from paper copies. Our current liturgy, prepared by the Revd Michael Hepper, is based on a combination of material from the Church of England with some from the Wild Goose Resource Group.
Coffee and chat are enjoyed in the Community Room after the service, and are open to all, whether or not they have attended Morning Prayer
To join the service remotely by Zoom press MORE ABOUT THIS EVENT below

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Evening Prayer

Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary's Longframlington
Rothbury Road Longframlington Morpeth, NE65 8DL, United Kingdom

A said service of Evening Prayer (BCP) on the first Sunday evening of each month