Prayer Resources

Lord, teach us to pray, asked the disciples 2000 years ago, and that is still our prayer as His disciples today

When you
Enter this 
Loving place of prayer
Consider yourself
One of the special and unique
Members of God’s
Extraordinary family

When you come into the church…

Enjoy the peace of this place of prayer. Be assured that you are in the presence of the God who loves you more than life itself. Share with him what is on your heart and listen for the quiet whisper of his Spirit as he responds to your prayers

God says…
When you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12,13

Over the centuries Christian communities developed prayers for different times of day, the patterns of which are still reflected in the Church of England regular services.  Others prefer a less formal approach, but all have agreed on the importance of prayer in the Christian life.  Here we offer a variety of resources to help you to pray: have a look at them all and use whatever suits you best

General Personal Prayer Resources

Daily Prayer time leaflet - just four A5 pages with two different approaches, and a prayer from John Stott

Prayers for different times of day

Morning Prayer: Worship at Home
Evening Prayer: Worship at Home

Finally, a prayer by Nick Fawcett for ourselves
This prayer is also available as a download at the end of this page

May your deeds be sparked by God,
reflecting His love and mercy.
May your words be used by God,
spreading hope and peace and joy.
May your hands be opened  by God,
extended in love to the vulnerable and oppressed.
May your thoughts be filled by God,
your entreaties answered in full.
May your feet be guided by God,
that you may walk in his way.
May your fears be conquered by God,
his strength made perfect in your weakness.
May your dreams be realised by God,
all things made possible through him.
May your prayers be heard by God,
your entreaties answered in full.
May all who you are,
everything you think and say and do,
be blessed by God,
constantly renewed
and daily transformed
through his awesome power
and unfailing love


2021-05-11_Nick_Fawcett_-_May_your_deeds_be_sparked_by_God, PDF
