Holy Land Pilgrimage 2024 led by Robert Chavner and Philip Bourne

0304_Chavner_Holy_Land_Brochure.pdf Download
McCabe_General_Booking_Form_2023_-_2024.pdf Download

The pilgrimage, in the week 4-11 March 2024, will include the sites where the most important events in Our Lord’s life and ministry took place: in Jerusalem and the surrounding area and further north in Galilee. It will be led by the Revd Robert Chavner TSSF, whom we have got to know during our vacancy in St Mary's and the Revd Canon Dr Philip Bourne, while the details have been circulated around all the churches in Alnwick deanery.  The organisers claim that the journey is a life changing as well as faith changing experience.  

While the basic inclusive cost is £2929, with supplements for extras such as single room accommodation, the intention is to ensure no hidden or unexpected supplements at a later stage.  The brochure and booking form can be downloaded from this web page.