Canon Simon White in Botswana: a fuller report


Canon Simon White, a former priest in charge here and now Rector of Morpeth, was recently in our link diocese of Botswana with a group from Newcastle Diocese.  The group - from Morpeth Parish, had a busy time, with Northumbrians and locals enjoying a whole host of activities together, from worship to football, and from blessing and planting trees to dancing.  One highlight for Simon was the opportunity to preach at the cathedral in Gaborone.  Fans of Alexander McCall Smith will recall that his fictional Mma Ramotswe was a member of the congregation at Gaborone Cathedral.

You can now access a full illustrated report posted on the Diocese website at as well as a full page in the December 2022 edition of the Newcastle Diocese Link newspaper

A selection of pictures from the trip can also be seen on the Morpeth Parish Facebook page.