Facilities and features


Toilet (wheelchair accessible) is in the Community Room, and available whenever the church or community room is in use.

The accessible toilet includes a baby changing facility

Parking is available on-street in Rothbury Road and Church Street, and cars may also be parked on the hard standing in the Memorial Park to the south of Rothbury Road, close to the play area

Toilet is in the Community Room, and available whenever the church or community room is in use.

On-street parking is normally available at the junction of Church Street and Church Lane. However, while it is normally possible to park on Church Street close to the wheelchair-accessible gateway, the street is rather narrow so it is better to park at the Church Street/Church Lane junction

There is no defibrillator at the church but there is one at the Memorial Hall a couple of hundred yards west of the church along Rothbury Road

Wheelchair access to the churchyard is from Church Street to the north of the church and then into the church through the main south door or the Community Room. Access from Rothbury Road is via steps.

Used for all services - do let us know if it doesn't work for you, so that we can adjust microphones or amplification settings

Large print hymn books and service books are available.

Assistance dogs welcome

Gluten-free refreshments can be available if we know of the need in advance

Our Building

Church building is open Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00. Various resources are available as required.
Votive candles are also available

We are registered in the A Rocha Eco Church scheme, and currently working towards our Bronze Award

Originally built in the late 12th century, with a fine Norman chancel arch

A mobile post office visits the village every Thursday morning. In addition, stamps may be purchased at shops in the village. The nearest post offices are in Rothbury and Felton

Music and Worship

We have two bells in the bell cote at the west of the church - suitable for calling the faithful to prayer, but not for ringing changes!

No regular music-making, but the church is used occasionally for concerts while the Community Room may also be used for more informal musicmaking

The electronic organ was installed by Wyvern in the early 21st century, and has two manuals and a pedal board.
We use Hymns Old and New, and a sing-able setting of the Eucharist

No regular use of the Book of Common Prayer other than for the monthly evensong. We have prayer books available - and most of the older generation of worshippers are very familiar with the old words

Groups, Courses and Activities

We hope to start youth and children's work again as things return to normal after COVID

We support the Alnwick Food Bank, with a collection box permanently available in the church porch

Our Community Room is ideal for coffee mornings - all the necessary facilities, and it's warm, comfortable and close to the centre of the village

Our Community Room is ideal for a range of community events - all the necessary facilities, and it's warm, comfortable and close to the centre of the village.

Community Rom is available for booking by community groups. Used for everything from slimming groups to meals for the elderly.

Courses are arranged at intervals, and may be conducted in conjunction with the United Reformed Church

Children's Holiday club may be arranged in the summer holidays.

Messy Church, for all ages but particularly for families with younger children, meets monthly, generally on the last Sunday afternoon of the month. We have a great time with a variety of activities and we always end the afternoon by eating together! Suspended during COVID, not yet re-started.
Offered in conjunction with local URC and others

Lunches offered for elderly residents

Help for Visitors

WiFi is available in the Church and Community Room - domain ST MARYS

A leaflet entitled "Notes on St Mary's" is available at the back of the church, or may be downloaded from this website from the page entitled "A Brief History of St Mary's"

The Community Room has a kitchen, enabling the church to offer light refreshments after services and on a Wednesday morning, and to provide a good value lunch and good company for older, possibly lonely residents once a month, and a film night with an evening meal, also monthly during the winter months.

The church is open on weekdays between 09:00 and 17:00 to visitors and to anyone who wishes a quiet space to read, reflect, pray - or just to sit. You are welcome to use the pew Bibles and any of the resources at the back of the church

Other Features

We support the Alnwick Food Bank: donations of non-perishable foods may be left in the porch

A large video screen is available in the church - installed during COVID, its use is still being developed

Contact Audrey Truman, 01665 570522 to discuss or make a booking