Lent Course

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Augustin
St. Augustin's Church Jackson Street North Shields NE30 2HY, NE30 2HY, United Kingdom

A series of reflections upon the meaning and purpose of Lent. Following the course a light lunch of home made soup and bread will be provided.

Four Wednesdays in Lent

Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Augustin
St. Augustin's Church Jackson Street North Shields NE30 2HY, NE30 2HY, United Kingdom

All are welcome to the Eucharist. If you are not a communicant member of a church, you can receive a blessing instead.

Weekly on Sundays throughout the year

Choir practice

Every Third Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Augustin
St. Augustin's Church Jackson Street North Shields NE30 2HY, NE30 2HY, United Kingdom

St. Augustin's choir leads the singing at Sunday services as well as singing an anthem every week. We have four voice parts - soprano, contralto, tenor and bass. If you would like to join us, you will be made very welcome, just come to the church at 10.00am on a Wednesday morning. Alternatively, contact us through this web page. http://staugustinnorthshields.weebly.com/

Choir practice takes place in the choir vestry.

Pop-up Bakery

Saturday 15 March 2025 at for 2 hours
St Augustin
St. Augustin's Church Jackson Street North Shields NE30 2HY, NE30 2HY, United Kingdom

Our wonderful bakers produce a variety of baked goods for your delight and delectation. Refreshments available - so come along and enjoy fellowship with us as well as raising funds for our work.

Third Saturday in each month