Facilities and features
Wheelchairs are available to borrow for services.
Large print hymn books and service booklets are available.
Gluten free refreshments are available at our coffee mornings.
Our Building
St. Augustin's is a grade 2 listed building.
The choir stalls were made by Mouseman Thompson. Can you find the mouse?
Music and Worship
Choir performs at Sunday services and cantata for Easter and Christmas.
Tynemouth Choral Society and Tynemouth Gilbert and Sullivan Society regularly present concerts in the church.
Our organist plays at every service.
Evensong alternate Sundays.
Our choir performs an anthem at every Sunday Eucharist and presents concerts and cantatas through the year.
Groups, Courses and Activities
There is a table tennis club on Monday afternoons - details available via contact page.
On Wednesday afternoons there is a lively and friendly craft club from 2.00 - 3.00pm
Crafty church 3rd Saturday of each month.