Church Hall and Hire

The Church Community Hall

St John's Church Community Hall is a great place to have a party or other functions. It is a good size and shape with a spacious, well equipped kitchen and is heated by radiators. There are double doors out onto a patio leading to a large play area with well-kept grass.

The hire charge is £20 per hour which includes heating, lighting, use of the kitchen and a meeting room - and the outside play area if you wish.

Arranging your own event - We’re open to taking new bookings

The hall is a popular venue for children's parties (up to 12 years of age) and other family occasions, usually on Saturdays and Sundays. Those who book it commonly say how clean and bright it is. If you are interested in holding an event there, whatever its nature, Pam Alderson, the church hall manager, would be very pleased to talk it over with you and answer any questions you may have. You can speak to her on the contact number given below. Or if you would like to have a look round first you could come to the hall any Sunday morning between 11 and 11.30 am. There will be people there who can help you and tea and coffee will be available. All sorts of functions are held in addition to the regular events listed below and yours could be one of them! We'd love to hear from you.

You can see some photos of the hall and surroundings by clicking on Church_community_hall.PDF at the foot of this page.

Regular events for which the hall is hired

Events are held on most days of the week and some may be of interest to you. The current regular timetable is -

Monday             Toddlers' Group weekly from 09:45 - 11:15am 

                            The Mothers’ Union meets on the 1st Monday in the month 2-4 pm

Wednesday       Slimming World, 9am, 5.30pm

Thursday           Slimming World, 5pm and 6:30pm

Friday                 Slimming World,  07:30am and 9am

                            Crakes Bakes Parent and Toddler Baking Class, 10:45-12:15

                            Knit and Natter - 3rd Friday of the month from 1:30pm

                            Dandelion Girls Group, 4:30-5:30pm

Saturday           Children and Dads’ Group (“Saturdads”) from 10 am to 12 noon on the first     Saturday in the month

Contact numbers

For anyone wishing to enquire about any of these events the contact telephone numbers are as follows:

Church Hall manager - Pam Alderson 07591118152

Toddlers - Laura Hunt: 07720615288 and Diane Hayles: 07837400077

Crakes Bakes - Laura: 07487543894

Slimming World - `Wed: Janice (07932754914); Thurs: Terrina; Fri: Adam (07720326204) 

Mothers Union - Pam Alderson 07591118152

Knit and Natter - Pam Alderson 07591118152

Dandelion Girls Group - Kelly Graham 07961707307

Saturdads - Neill Davy 07764487000

Church_community_hall_OwOfFum, PDF
