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Asylum seeker and refugee support

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday at for 6 hours
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom
Venerable Bede West Road
West Road (corner of Benwell Grove) Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 8AP, United Kingdom

We are your community and are here to help anyone.
When we are open you are always welcome here. There are various activities and volunteering opportunities throughout the week. Father Chris and other volunteers will try to help you with immigration issues, wellbeing, and signposting you to other services in the community when possible. We may not always have the solution but we do promise to do all we can!

Foodbank volunteers can also help you with food, benefits payments, and other issues.

We also have:
Volunteering opportunities
Free Wifi
Tea and coffee
Conversation & spiritual support
Social time
Time for peace and quiet

Contact: Fr Chris 07792267223

Please note - opening times are a guideline and vary from week to week.

Hub service (Parish Eucharist)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom
Venerable Bede West Road
West Road (corner of Benwell Grove) Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 8AP, United Kingdom

Please note:
During Summer months (April to October) the hub service meets at St James Benwell.
During winter months (October to April), the hub service meets at the Venerable Bede.

You are welcome whether you know what you believe or not, or are just curious. Join us for Communion, Eucharist, Lord's Supper, Mass… whatever you call it, this is the heart of our community life.

We are lucky to have many members from many backgrounds and countries, we especially have many Persian members so all our services are translated into Farsi.

Liturgical details:
Common Worship Order One (Ordinarily Eucharistic Prayer E)
Seasons and feasts are observed.
Vestments are worn.
Altar servers (crucifer and acolytes).
Farsi translation of liturgy is projected on a screen. The sermon is live translated.
Primary hymn book: Ancient and Modern

Private prayer and visiting the church

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 6 hours
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom

Whenever the church is open you are most welcome to come in for quiet and prayer, to talk to our clergy or volunteers, or just to look around at the building and read about our history. Please feel free to come up to the high altar and take a seat wherever you like.

If you would like help with anything, someone to speak to, or someone to pray with you, then please do not feel embarrassed to ask the clergy or volunteers.

Please note, we try to keep the church open as often as possible, but it isn't always possible to do this every day.


Every Monday and Thursday at for 3 hours
Venerable Bede West Road
West Road (corner of Benwell Grove) Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 8AP, United Kingdom

We are the home of Newcastle West End Foodbank. If you need help with food, don't worry, that's what we are here for! We don't want anyone in our community to ever go hungry.

A volunteer will take some basic details to help identify your needs and write out the voucher. Once you have a voucher you can exchange this for a food parcel.

If you can, please bring:
Proof of Address
Photo ID
Proof of benefits (if relevant)
Proof of other members of your household

Venerable Bede Church, West Road, NE4 8AP
Monday & Thursday 10am - 1pm

For info please contact:
0191 2753019
07580 751365

Community cafe (pay-what-you-feel)

Every Monday and Tuesday at for 2 hours
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom

Mondays: Breakfast 9.30-12; Lunch 12-2
Tuesdays: Lunch 12-2

Pay-what-you-feel meals and a time to your community, it is for anyone, any age, any background, any physical or mental ability, or any belief. Please do donate to keep us running!

Morning Prayer at Venerable Bede

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 30 mins
Venerable Bede West Road
West Road (corner of Benwell Grove) Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 8AP, United Kingdom

The clergy meet publicly for a short service of prayer morning prayer as often as possible. Anyone is welcome to join them for this special practice to start every day.

If you need assistance or have any questions feel free to ask us on the day or contact us anytime.

Features of the service:
Lasting approximately 20mins
Includes scripture readings, psalms, and prayers for each day.

We follow Common Worship Morning Prayer.
Liturgical seasons and feasts are observed.

West End Writes

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom

Do you have a story to tell? Would you like to do something creative? Maybe you have a creative idea you’d like to make happen, or you’re already doing things and are looking for your next step?

If you are based in Benwell or Scotswood, then come along to the West End Writes community drop-in at St James Church, Benwell. Join us for a cup of tea, a biscuit, and a friendly chat with our creative producer Dani, who is on hand to listen to your ideas and to help make things happen. No previous experience is necessary and everyone is welcome.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the work we are developing in the West End, please email our West End Writes producer at

Art Club

Every Tuesday and Thursday at for 4 hours
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom

Join our free art and craft sessions for all ages and backgrounds.

Supporting creativity, mental health, socialising, and learning more about yourself!

Run by St James artist in residence Artep Avordno, she will support you both with your own work and encourage experimentation and teach new techniques.

Occasionally the club also organises trips to local galleries and other cultural venues.

Tuesdays - 12pm to 4 pm
Thursdays - 10am to 3pm
(Please note, the art club takes a break during school holidays)

Tuesdays 12-4 and Thursdays 10-3.

Bible study with Farsi Translation

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom

We meet as a group to learn more about the Bible, Christianity, and each other.

We have a Farsi translator, but anyone is welcome whatever language you speak!

Heritage and Environment Group

Every Wednesday at for 3 hours
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom

Heritage & Environment Group

The Heritage & Environment Group is an independent voluntary organisation and registered charity based in Benwell whose aims are to explore and share the history of the west end of Newcastle and to promote the improvement of the historic graveyard of St James'.

The Group meets weekly to maintain the graveyard of St James’ in Benwell, and to welcome visitors there. At the moment, sessions are held on Wednesday mornings between 10am -1pm. Visitors are welcome to look around during these times. There are are three interpretation boards on site which provide information about the history and environment of the graveyard. You can also read or download our two graveyard guides A Guide to St James’ Graveyard and A short history of St James’ Graveyard, Benwell. If you would like an informal tour of the graveyard, contact the Group on Please note that the graveyard is not normally accessible outside these hours. However requests for visits at other times will be considered.

The Group maintains a data-base of burials and memorials, and welcomes inquiries about people buried in the graveyard.


The Group welcomes help with maintaining the graveyard, whether as a regular or occasional volunteer. For more information or to offer help, email us at or visit on a Wednesday between 10am-1pm.

Publications and Resources

The Group has produced a variety of books, heritage guides, films and other resources about the history of the west end. These can be accessed on our website and printed copies can be obtained from us.

Contact Details

Write: c/o Sunnybank Centre, 12/14 Sunnybank Avenue, Pendower, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6SD

Pathways welfare support

Every Wednesday at for 3 hours
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom

Pathways is a project of Newcastle Foodbank that takes place every Wednesday at St James. You can attend for foodbank vouchers and fuel support, along with help from many organisations including healthcare, housing, safeguarding, asylum and more.

If you need help with anything, don't worry, that's what we are here for!

To receive a food voucher a volunteer will take some basic details to help identify your needs:
If you can, please bring:
Proof of Address
Photo ID
Proof of benefits (if relevant)
Proof of other members of your household

Once you have a voucher you can exchange this for a food parcel at:

Venerable Bede Church, West Road, NE4 8AP
Monday & Thursday 10am - 1pm

Foodbank Centre, Benwell Lane NE15 6LX
Tuesday & Wednesday 10am - 1pm