Hub service (Parish Eucharist)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St James' Benwell
Benwell Lane Benwell Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6RR, United Kingdom
Venerable Bede West Road
West Road (corner of Benwell Grove) Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 8AP, United Kingdom

Please note:
During Summer months (April to October) the hub service meets at St James Benwell.
During winter months (October to April), the hub service meets at the Venerable Bede.

You are welcome whether you know what you believe or not, or are just curious. Join us for Communion, Eucharist, Lord's Supper, Mass… whatever you call it, this is the heart of our community life.

We are lucky to have many members from many backgrounds and countries, we especially have many Persian members so all our services are translated into Farsi.

Liturgical details:
Common Worship Order One (Ordinarily Eucharistic Prayer E)
Seasons and feasts are observed.
Vestments are worn.
Altar servers (crucifer and acolytes).
Farsi translation of liturgy is projected on a screen. The sermon is live translated.
Primary hymn book: Ancient and Modern

Morning Prayer at Venerable Bede

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 30 mins
Venerable Bede West Road
West Road (corner of Benwell Grove) Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 8AP, United Kingdom

The clergy meet publicly for a short service of prayer morning prayer as often as possible. Anyone is welcome to join them for this special practice to start every day.

If you need assistance or have any questions feel free to ask us on the day or contact us anytime.

Features of the service:
Lasting approximately 20mins
Includes scripture readings, psalms, and prayers for each day.

We follow Common Worship Morning Prayer.
Liturgical seasons and feasts are observed.

Holy Communion at St Margaret's

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Margaret's Scotswood
Heighley Street Scotswood Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 6AR, United Kingdom

1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
9.45am at St Margaret's, Heighley Street, NE15 6AR

St Margaret's alternates each Sunday between morning and evening services. Holy Communion is at 9.45am and evening worship is the following week at 4pm.

St Margaret's is a special place for many people, supporting people in prayer in both joyous and difficult times. All are welcome here no matter what your background.

If you need assistance or have any questions feel free to ask us on the day or contact us anytime.

Features of the service:
alternating Holy Communion and evening worship
Children's corner with activities available.
Refreshments after the service.
Mixture of traditional contemporary music
Many opportunities for involvement in the service.

Liturgy details:
Holy communion Common Worship (Order 1, eucharistic prayer E).
Liturgical seasons and feasts are observed.

Evening Prayer at St Margaret's

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 30 mins
St Margaret's Scotswood
Heighley Street Scotswood Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 6AR, United Kingdom

2nd & 4th Sundays at 4pm
St Margaret's, Heighley Street, NE15 6AR

St Margaret's alternates each Sunday between morning and evening services. Holy Communion is at 9.45am and evening worship is the following week at 4pm.

St Margaret's is a special place for many people, supporting people in prayer in both joyous and difficult times. All are welcome here no matter what your background.

If you need assistance or have any questions feel free to ask us on the day or contact us anytime.

Features of the service:
Contemplative prayer and worship
Peaceful atmosphere
Mixture of traditional contemporary music
Many opportunities for involvement in the service.

Liturgy details:
Evening worship follows Common Worship Daily Prayer, with occasional Lectio Divina, Taize and other contemplative practices.
Liturgical seasons and feasts are observed.