Regular Weekday Activities

Weekday Worship

Morning Prayer 9 .00am (8.30am on Thursdays)

Evening Prayer 5.30pm (5pm on Mondays)

Holy Eucharist 7.30pm Tuesdays, 9.30am Thursdays

There are additional services on Feast Days and Holy Days which are detailed on the website.  Incense is used for major feasts and at evening prayer. We take prayer seriously and are very happy to pray for anything that you ask us to pray for.

Warm Hub Thursday mornings from 10.00am in the Vestry. Free tea and coffee with friendly conversation. 

Church Choir sing at the Sunday 9.45 Service and at Choral Evensongs twice a month. See the Music page for more information. There is a Junior choir that meets once a month for ages 7-13 and a weekly Choir Club for ages 5-7. 

Baby & Toddler Group Tuesdays 10.00-11am in Term time 

Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, Friday nights, please contact for more information.

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts. Wednesday nights, please contact for more information. 

Please check St Gabriel's website calendar for specific details.