Mothers' Union January 2025


NEWS FROM THE MOTHERS’ UNION written by Sheila Auld (Branch Leader), Anne Abbott (Secretary) and Anne Pickering (Treasurer)

St Gabriel’s was privileged to host the Triennial Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for the Newcastle Diocese Mothers’ Union on 11th December. Everyone able to attend gained from an inspirational service led by Rev Anne Marr, Newcastle Diocese Mothers’ Union Chaplain. After Canon Jonathan had welcomed everyone to St Gabriel’s, we had hymns, prayers, a psalm, readings and thank you presentations to those who had served the Newcastle Diocese Mothers’ Union in leadership roles over the last three years. The Mothers’ Union leadership team kindly donated half of the retiring collection to St Gabriel’s Church, the other half going in support of the Mothers’ Union. After the service, we all took the chance to socialise while enjoying afternoon tea. This service took the place of our December meeting.

We wanted to give Christmas gifts to people in need in the local community. Our target was to fill six bags with a specific list of items including toiletries, essentials and treats for those using the People’s Kitchen at Christmas. Some of our members donated goods, others gave cash. We bought what was needed to complete the bags then added cash from our funds to increase the small amount of money left so we could donate the bags plus £50 to The People’s Kitchen. We received an appreciative letter referring to Alison Kay, one of the founders of The People’s Kitchen, a Heaton resident and a member of our congregation here at St Gabriel’s for many years. Incidentally, Sheila A, our Branch Leader, was the other founder as, with Alison, she provided food for homeless people in Central Newcastle, an initiative which grew into The People’s Kitchen.

As we had not had our customary Christmas lunch, we all enjoyed a New Year Lunch and some interesting conversations at the Northumberland Hussars for our January meeting. Our AGM took place at our February meeting. Reports were given from Sheila, Branch leader, Anne A, Secretary and Anne P, Treasurer, then we welcomed Sylvia Hickey, Diocesan Members Coordinator, to talk to us about the very important subject of Domestic Abuse, to increase our awareness and suggest ways in which we could help. “Rise Up against Domestic Abuse” is a major project for the Mothers’ Union. Indicators of abuse and helpline numbers are displayed on the back of all toilet doors in the Vestry and Parish Centre. One in three women, one in eight men in the UK will experience domestic abuse at some time in their lives, truly shocking statistics.

This spring we are pleased to be enrolling 7 new members to our branch. We are led to understand that St Gabriel’s now has the largest Mothers’ Union group in the Newcastle Diocese.