F.O.S.G. September 2024

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Happy Birthday to us! Friends of St Gabriel’s, Heaton, was founded in October 2021, so by the time you read this, we shall be approaching our 3rd birthday. Membership is open to anyone and everyone who would like to be involved in supporting the life of our beautiful, historic church, a pivotal part of the Heaton community since 1899. Friends are invited to share in events and activities taking place at St Gabriel’s, whether or not they come to church services. Our aim is for the Friends of St Gabriel’s, currently 63 members of whom about half are regularly part of the congregation and half have an affinity with the Church in a different way, to develop its role in the community, and to care for our grade two listed buildings for current and future generations.

We held a summer coffee morning, with a raffle, cake stall and summer accessories stall on Saturday 15th June, continued at Parish Breakfast the following morning. Many thanks indeed to all those who helped, baked, donated or supported this event in any way. Although the numbers of helpers and those able to come were small, those who contributed were very generous so we were able to raise £452 for St Gabriel’s maintenance and development. A happy atmosphere prevailed and it was an enjoyable morning.

As I write, we are still awaiting publication of the words only, melody and words, and large print editions of the Revised English Hymnal. Friends of St Gabriel’s are buying these, primarily for use at Evensong. 

Following a site inspection, we were told that our church bell was in need of urgent and substantial work. We are fortunate that one of the country’s foremost experts in bell restoration is based in North Shields. The total invoice for repair work, refurbishment, new parts, descaling, cleaning and painting was £800. We were delighted that Friends were able to pay this in full; our bell is an integral part of St Gabriel’s life, linking us to the local community and signalling each approaching service; we missed hearing it so much while the work took place. It is a joy that the bell is now back in place and sounding better than ever!