St Martin's Byker

Worship at St Martin's hopes to be joyful and uplifting and accessible to everyone. On most Sundays it is a Communion Service, or The Eucharist. We sing, greet one another, listen to Scripture and a Sermon, and spend time in prayer. We conclude by receiving bread and wine, remembering Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples, something that Christians have done in worship since the very early church. On most Sundays there is a Sunday School for children during the first part of the service.

The Church is first and foremost a worshipping community. We are most ourselves when we are worshipping God together. We bring all our lives to Church with us: things we are very thankful for, our happiness, our sadness, our confusion, even our sin. Nothing needs to be held back in our life in Jesus Christ. He understands us and rejoices and grieves with us, and forgives us so we can continue in life, renewed.

We hope worship to be:


Get in touch

Rev'd Tim Ferguson

What's on

Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Martin's Byker
Roman Avenue Byker Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2RJ, United Kingdom

Our weekly service of Holy Communion celebrated in this wonderful modern building. The service is friendly and the people welcoming, do join us!