Night Prayer online

Every Friday at for 20 mins
online using Zoom

A lovely way to end the week: Night Prayer online, using the liturgy from the Church of England's apps. To join us please download the Zoom app from or your usual app store, and join the Meeting ID 357 123 751, or dial 0131 460 1196 and enter the same Meeting ID to listen in.

Coffee Stop - in the Village Hall

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Every Last Saturday at for 2 hours
Knarsdale with Kirkhaugh Cairns Village Hall
Knarsdale with Kirkhaugh Cairns Village Hall, Slaggyford Brampton Cumbria, CA8 7NP

Enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea), great cakes and savouries and friendly conversation in the Knarsdale and Kirkhaugh Cairns Village Hall - everyone most welcome, any age! Children's corner and high chairs available. Raffle, home made cakes and pies for sale.

Special Fifth Sunday Activity or Event

Monthly. Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Location may vary - check details each time!

A new venture - something different and special every Fifth Sunday!
Always informal and family friendly, everyone welcome - check notices for details!

Special service

In March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Every Second Sunday at for 50 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Jude, Knaresdale
off the A689. Knaresdale, Brampton, CA8 7PB, United Kingdom

Every month, a service to celebrate something special - Lambs, Mothers, Harvest, Christmas... what will it be this month?
Everyone welcome - do join us.

Sometimes on the second Sunday in the month at 3pm, sometimes on the nearest Friday at 6.30pm - please check noticeboard or website for details