
Safeguarding -

In the event of safeguarding issues, our Safeguarding Officer is Lynn Sanderson - Home Tel. (0191) 2370597

Mob. 07484134077, email - [email protected]

Alternatively, the Priest in Charge is Revd. David Atkinson - Mob. 07798710594, email - [email protected]

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) and St Mary's Leadership Group have both adopted the House of Bishop's "Promoting a Safer Church; Safeguarding Policy Statement". This can be found at -

Newcastle Diocese Safeguarding email is - [email protected] and the Safeguarding Caseworker is Jill Thirlaway - Mob. 07738415238, email - [email protected]

Additionally a downloadable leaflet 'You will be listened to' gives information and help on how to report abuse within the church and how the church will respond. This can be found at - listened

The Church of England Safeguarding Page: