About Us

Holy Trinity Church Seghill, serves the Villages of Seghill, Seaton Delaval and Holywell   {Built 1848, opened in  1849}

From February 2024, we became the Benefice of Seghill and Delaval with the Priest in charge - Revd David Atkinson. Seghill Parish consists of the two churches - Holy Trinity and St Mary's, Holywell. Delaval Parish consists of three churches - St Paul's, Seaton Sluice, The Church of our Lady, in the grounds of Delaval Hall and St Michael's, New Hartley

The District Church of Holywell - St Mary's (Built and opened in 1885) has a Leadership Group who are responsible to the Parochial Church Council (PCC)

 (Formerly, we were a Crown Parish, under Royal Patronage - This is currently suspended under the rules for a Benefice)

Sunday Services:

Sung Eucharist at Holy Trinity 9.30am, on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month followed by Refreshments & Fellowship in the Church Hall. On the second and fourth Sundays of the month we have a Service of the Word, which is lay-led also starting at 9.30am

Holy Communion at St Mary`s at 11.00am, on the second and fourth Sundays of the month followed by Refreshments & Fellowship. On the first, third and fifth Sundays we have a Service of the Word, again lay-led and starting at 11.00am.

Currently there are no weekday services or services of Evensong at either of the above churches.

Holy Baptisms normally take place on Sundays at 12.30pm.

Holy Confirmation is available, with the service themselves taking place in our Parish as and when required or indeed possible.

Holy Matrimony takes place at both Churches throughout the year, telephone for details.


The Benefice is in the Deanery of Bedlington, in the Diocese of Newcastle.

We are members of Delaval Churches Together.

Safeguarding -

In the event of safeguarding issues, our Safeguarding Officer is Lynn Sanderson - Home Tel. (0191) 2370597

Mob. 07484134077, email - lynnsanderson1@btinternet,com

Alternatively the Priest in Charge is Revd. David Atkinson - Mob. 07798710594, email - revd.atkinson@gmail .com 

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) and St Mary's Leadership Group have both adopted the House of Bishop's "Promoting a Safer Church; Safeguarding Policy Statement’. This can be found at -


Newcastle Diocese Safeguarding email is - [email protected] and the Safeguarding Caseworker is Jill Thirlaway - Mob. 07738415238, email - [email protected]

Additionally a downloadable leaflet ‘You will be listened to’ gives information and help on how to report abuse within the church and how the church will respond. This can be found at - https://www.newcastle.anglican.org/documents/survivor-leaflet-you-will-be-listened/

The Church of England Safeguarding Page: https://www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding/promoting-safer-church-safeguarding