Facilities and features


Separate mens and ladies facilities both in church and in the parish centre. Disabled toilet in the parish centre.

Car park off Markland Hill behind the church centre

Located in the parish centre

Disabled parking bays close to church through the Markland Hill side entrance

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

Large print hymn books available

Guide dogs welcome

Gluten Free wafers available at Holy Communion services

Our Building

Stained Glass
Listed Building

Music and Worship


Sundays: 8am Said Eucharist, 11:15am Sung Eucharist (2nd Sunday), 6:30pm Choral Evensong (2nd,3rd,4th Sundays)

Evensong - usually 2nd 3rd 4th Sundays - 6.30pm
Sung Eucharist usually 2nds Sunday 11.15am & 5th Sunday 6.30pm
Rehearsals Thursday evenings.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible study

17th Bolton Christ Church Heaton

in school holidays, Wednesday afternoon.

Mothers Union

Luncheon Club, monthly

Parents and toddlers

17th Bolton Christ Church Heaton

Help for Visitors

Church Open

Other Features

tea and coffee

supporting Urban Outreach food bank with donations

Back to Church Sunday

Parish Centre for Hire - please call our parish administrator for more details.