A message from Reverend Carol Hayden, as given in her sermon on Sunday 13 June 2021.

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building

I have been here for three and a half years. We have had our ups and downs, our joys and sorrows and we have journeyed together, trying to understand where we fit in the big picture of God's kingdom. <span style="font-size: 1rem;">This church was built in 1839 at a time when every seat would have been taken, when church was the heart of the community. It is now showing its age and in need of repair.</span>

A few weeks ago I asked people (myself included) to reassess our giving financially. I am grateful to those who responded. Thank you.

I came here because I really believe that God called me to be here. I love being your vicar, but some of the initial enthusiasm has worn off because it is frustrating not being able to move forward with our Mission Action Plan. I am tired - as many of us are - and we need help; I am pleading with you to consider helping in some way so that the work is not left to the faithful few.  

We cannot even attract new volunteers to take on the fundamental offices required in a parish. For weeks we have been advertising for a person or persons to assist our Treasurer.

At the APCM, our Parish Secretary informed us that, after 3 years’ faithful service she wants to step down. Do you have the skill set for this role ...or could you step up and assist or shadow the Safeguarding Officer ...or the Church warden. Have you ever considered joining the PCC?

We need to step up our game if we want our church to survive. We need to respond.

We need to pray. Please pray for our churches: both buildings and people. The harvest is indeed ripe, but the workers are few. 

Every Blessing ~ Carol

[email protected]