We'd love to hear from you

ENQUIRIES submitted here will be directed to the TEAM OFFICE which is staffed part-time – please leave a message and we will respond as soon as we are able.

Baptism Enquiries

Please include: Parent's name, Child's name, Home Address, Contact number.

If you are not resident in the parish, please also include your connection with the parish.

Wedding Enquiries

Please include: Bride's name, Groom's name, Home address, Contact number

If you are not resident in the parish, please also include your connection with the parish

Thank you for making contact with us, we will be in touch as soon as we are able!

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Rev Ian Hepburn

Dawn Hitchen; website & social media co-ordinator
07889 776287

Our website