Are you aware that the hall at St. James’ church is available for various functions and celebrations?   It offers amenities such as a kitchen and free car parking, and the hall itself is spacious and well-suited for events. Small work rooms are also available and many community groups already use the facilities.

Groups using the hall include: Pilates, Brownies, Aontacht Academy of Irish Dancing, Jakattak Keep Fit and Evergreen Events.  Interested? You can find information about Aontacht Academy, Jakattak and Evergreen on their Facebook pages.

Leanne found the hall a great place to be creative and to complete her project:

"I was so grateful to use the space at St. James' Church to complete my Art project!  I also met some wonderful people that passed through the church that also use this wonderful community space" Leanne Dunstan.

Find out more about Leanne below and view the hare!

To enquire about hiring the hall and other facilities at St James and also our parish church of St Anne please contact the Hirings Manager by email whose contact details are:


The hire charges, policy, terms and conditions and standard hiring documents are available to download below:



2024 ST ANNE TURTON PCC Hourly Rates, PDF


2023_24 v1 Hire Agreements (single and regular ), PDF


2023_24 V 1 Premises Hiring Policy and Terms and Conditions , PDF
