This Lent, join us for a short course to discuss the book 'Wild Bright Hope' and explore the power of hope. Join Revd Ian Hepburn and Angie Foster as we explore unity, peace, hope in politics and in suffering.Using the national church Big Church Read book and resources for Lent 2025, “Wild Bright Hope” has 12 contributions from a variety of interesting contributors. Here’s what has been said about the book.Wild Bright Hope is a transformative Lent book featuring 12 dynamic authors each exploring the power of hope. Each chapter is paired with a video from its author, providing deeper insight. Themes include unity, peace, hope in politics and hope in suffering, inspiring readers to confront challenges with renewed faith. The FIVE sessions will be on the following dates at St Andrew’s, Bromley Cross from 7.30-8.45pm. All are welcome to attend!Each session will end with a short service of Compline. Session 1 Wednesday 12th March, led by Revd Ian Hepburn, on Chapters 1&2 Session 2 Wednesday 19th March, led by Angie Foster on Chapters 3&4 Session 3 Wednesday 26th March, led by Angie Foster on Chapters 5-7 Session 4 Wednesday 2nd April, led by Revd Ian on Chapters 8-10 Session 5 Wednesday 9th April, led by Revd Ian, on Chapters 11&12Wild Bright Hope is available through Isaiah 53 bookshop, Crown St, Bolton and various stockists including the following link: further information contact Rev Ian Hepburn:
Join us for our Holy Week services in any one of our churches in the Turton Moorland Team. We will be washing feet on Maundy Thursday at St Andrew's Bromley Cross, gathering together for a vigil on Easter Saturday at St Anne's, and journeying through the Stations of the Cross in several of our churches. Plus many more opportunities to worship together. All of the details are in the attached notice sheet.Come along and take part - a warm welcome awaits!All of the details are in the document on the right.
We are delighted to announce the appointment of the Rev’d Ian Hepburn as Team Rector in the Turton Moorland Team, Bolton Deanery, Diocese of Manchester. <b>He will be licensed in a special Service at Christ Church Walmsley on Tuesday 18 February at 7.30pm. </b> Ian currently serves as the Hulme Lecturer/Associate Vicar of the benefice of St Peter w St Philip Bolton-le-Moors. Prior to ordination he served as a paramedic for fourteen years.Ian writes, ‘I’m <a></a>delighted to have been appointed as the next Rector of the Turton Moorland Team, for the opportunity to serve the six churches and the communities they are rooted in. I’m really looking forward to joining you in this wonderful team, as together we continue to build our churches and seek to bring the joy and love of God to every part of our community. I am excited to meet and work with the schools, uniformed organisations and all the people of these parishes, and my family and I look forward to engaging with new opportunities to grow, nurture and serve the churches of the Turton Moorland Team. And our dog, Snoopy, will be thrilled with the opportunity for new walks and places to explore!It has been a privilege to serve at Bolton Parish Church and St Philip’s over the last five years, as curate and Hulme Lecturer. Throughout this time, I have met and worked with so many remarkable and lovely people and have made many wonderful friends here. It will be sad to say goodbye. But looking ahead, I’m eagerly anticipating the new opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in my new role, and journeying with you all. Please keep both teams in your prayers at this time.’The date of his installation is still to be arranged.
I am pleased to announce that our Church Ukraine Appeal continues to flourish. It’s now over 12 months since we started receiving donations delivering them to the International Aid Trust deployment centre at Hesketh Bank . There is no sign of the atrocities abating against the Ukrainian people as shown in recent news reports. We must continue with our efforts to send essential goods of clothes, medicines and food. The photo shows Harry and Jean together with Harry’s grandson Cameron making a delivery gratefully received by IAT Trustee Julie Rowlandson. (H Campbell).If you wish to donate to the Ukrainian Appeal, follow the link to DONATE on the left of the home page. Donate safely and securely online.A letter to Harry and the team from International Aid Trust:Dear Harry,I’m just getting in touch to say a big thank you for all your support for International Aid Trust, in particular the Ukraine Appeal.Thank you for your regular donations by bank transfer for Ukraine and also for extra donations received 25/03, 10/05, 02/07 and 15/07.Your support is helping us to keep helping people whose lives have been devastated by the war, I have attached a report on aid distribution in Ukraine and here is a link to our recent email newsletter: so you can see more of how your donations are helping.Thank you also to you and all the team at St Anne’s for continuing to collect and deliver donations to our warehouse, your help is greatly appreciated.With every blessing,From all at International Aid Trust,JulieJulie RowlandsonCommunity Ambassador, International Aid TrustTel: 0750 2055109 email: