Saturday Cafe

Every Saturday at for 2 hours
St Thomas and St John's church
St Thomas and St John's church, New Church Street, Radcliffe, M26 2UD

Drop in for coffee, tea, cake, toasted teacake, etc

Sunday morning service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Thomas and St John's church
St Thomas and St John's church, New Church Street, Radcliffe, M26 2UD

Morning Eucharist service with light refreshments after.

As we are in vacancy, some weeks Service of the Word will be held.

Midweek worship

Wednesday 19 March 2025 at for 30 mins
St Mary's church
St Mary's church, Church Green Radcliffe, M26 2QA

There will be a Midweek Worship on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, at St. Mary's; and on 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesdays at St Thomas and St John's. While we are in vacancy, this is usually Service of the Word led by Irene Thirkell our Reader Emeritus. There will be light refreshments afterwards. All welcome.

1st and 3rd Wednesdays

Team Lent Study Group

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Thomas and St John's church
St Thomas and St John's church, New Church Street Radcliffe, M26 2UD

Six sessions during Lent to study themes around Hope.
No charge and no preparation needed.
Studies will be based on "Wild Bright Hope", the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2025 and "Living Hope: a Lent Journey" - reflections and challenges on Bible passages provided by the Church of England

Team Friday Intercessions

Every Friday at for 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Thomas and St John's church
St Thomas and St John's church, New Church Street, Radcliffe, M26 2UD

A short service based on Common Worship Prayer During the Day, with prayers for the Church, the World and those in need. Followed, for those who wish to stay, by eating together the lunch we have brought. Drinks provided.

Midweek worship

Every Second, Fourth, Fifth Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Thomas and St John's church
St Thomas and St John's church, New Church Street, Radcliffe, M26 2UD

There will be a Midweek Worship on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, at St. Mary's; and on 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesdays at St Thomas and St John's. While we are in vacancy, this is usually Service of the Word led by Irene Thirkell our Reader Emeritus. There will be light refreshments afterwards. All welcome.