The Early Doors Club

Friday 10 January 2025, Friday 07 February 2025, Friday 07 March 2025 Friday at for 3 hours
The Parish of St George Tyldesley
Elliott Street Tyldesley Manchester, M29 8JE, United Kingdom

Welcome to 'The Early Doors Club'
A government-backed initiative led by The Snug Coffee House poised to transform the Friday night life across the Wigan Borough. With support from Wigan Council and the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, this pioneering project aims to re-invigorate the night-time economy on Friday nights in four areas across the borough.
From the warm and inviting ambiance of The Snug Coffee House in Atherton to the historic grandeur of St Georges Church in Tyldesley, the creative haven of Hideout Wigan in Wigan, and the delightful charm of The Coffee Stop At Railway Road in Leigh, our carefully selected venues promise amazing events without any cost to you!
And that's not all!! Attendees will receive exclusive incentives to explore handpicked surrounding businesses after the event has concluded! By supporting these local, independent establishments, you will not only be able to save money on your night's out, but also contribute to the local economy

The Parish of St George Tyldesley

Important information about Worship in St George's and the Astley, Tyldesley, Mosley Common Team churches.

Come and join us for worship.

Across the Team we offer a variety of worship styles on a rotational basis. The three churches in our Team take it in turn to host the Team Communion, a Service of the Word and a Cafe Church. This means that each week we are able to offer a formal service, a less formal service and very informal service. All our services start at 10am. You will be warmly welcomed in all of our churches, 

This parish is now in vacancy

You can contact us via:

Team Admin: Susan Mallon

Tel: 07873 149627 

[email protected]

Churchwarden: Iain Hodcroft 07976 314012 [email protected]

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength . . . Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Get in touch

Susie Mallon, Team Clerk

What's on

The Early Doors Club

Friday 10 January 2025, Friday 07 February 2025, Friday 07 March 2025 Friday at for 3 hours
The Parish of St George Tyldesley
Elliott Street Tyldesley Manchester, M29 8JE, United Kingdom

Welcome to 'The Early Doors Club'
A government-backed initiative led by The Snug Coffee House poised to transform the Friday night life across the Wigan Borough. With support from Wigan Council and the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, this pioneering project aims to re-invigorate the night-time economy on Friday nights in four areas across the borough.
From the warm and inviting ambiance of The Snug Coffee House in Atherton to the historic grandeur of St Georges Church in Tyldesley, the creative haven of Hideout Wigan in Wigan, and the delightful charm of The Coffee Stop At Railway Road in Leigh, our carefully selected venues promise amazing events without any cost to you!
And that's not all!! Attendees will receive exclusive incentives to explore handpicked surrounding businesses after the event has concluded! By supporting these local, independent establishments, you will not only be able to save money on your night's out, but also contribute to the local economy


Our parish of Tyldesley: St George is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO).
In the Astley, Tyldesley, Mosley Common Team the PSOs are:
- St George's : Mrs Amy Farrer. Contact [email protected]
- St Stephen's : Mr Philip Dand. Contact [email protected]
- St John's : Mrs Sue Bloor. Contact [email protected]

Our Diocese of Manchester’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO.
If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the PSO
If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s children or adult social care services

Read more

The Parish of St George Tyldesley Charity No. 624109