Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs

Our Building

We have achieved the bronze award and are working towards the silver award.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music
Book of Common Prayer Services
Worship band

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group
Nurture Courses
Alpha course

Beavers meet Monday 18.15-19.30 ages 6-8 contact details Daniel O'Rourke, Beaver Section Leader 07366470843 or myself, Suzanne Group Scout Leader 07943875700

Any adults wishing to enquire they can contact me on 07943875700 or via email [email protected].
We also have Gryphon explorers who meet Thursday evening, 19.30-21.00 Contact details Liam Walker Section Leader 07958710766 email [email protected]

Brownies meet at Church House Wednesday 6pm-7.30pm

Coming soon!

Holy Grounds 10-11.30am Wednesday church foyer

As you may know, Daylight Counselling is one of the organisations that Christ Church supports each year as part of its missionary giving. If you would like to know more, please have a look at the video about Daylight’s work, ministry and plans for the future, which you can find at https://youtu.be/39jYkP15pAw (voiceover by our very own Garth Waddup). Please feel free to share the link with anyone else who might be interested.

Cubs meet Monday 18.15-19.45 ages 8-10.5 Contact details Lisa Woodger Cub Section Leader 07725527481 [email protected]

Mental Health Support Group
meets Mondays 1-4pm in Church House. Call 07961 552866 or simply turn up to join.

Toddler Group meets every Tuesday 10am-11.30am in Church House.

Scouts meet Monday 19.20-21.00 ages 10.5-14 Josh Walters Scout section Leader 07544838113. [email protected]

Whizz Kids every Tuesday 7-8.30pm
Art club / Music club Tuesday 7-8.30pm
Soul Group Juniors and Seniors every Fri 6.30pm-8pm in Church House.

Help for Visitors

Guided Tours
Guidebooks / Notes
Church Open

Other Features

Audio-Visual Facilities
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