
Thank you for visiting our page. Please read the following information about Baptism in our Team Churches.

The next Baptism Drop In sessions will take place on Sundays 23rd February & 23rd March, 1pm - 2pm at St George's, Tyldesley.

What you need to know:

Churches: there are three churches that make up the Astley, Tyldesley, Mosley Common Team [ATMC]. These are St Stephen’s in Astley, St George’s in Tyldesley and St John’s in Mosley Common.

Currently we are only able to offer baptism at St George’s and St John’s – St Stephen’s is currently closed due to issues with RAAC concrete.

Dates: available dates for St George’s and St John’s are set in advance by the clergy team. There are a small number of dates still available for the remainder of this year and 2025 dates have now been released. Please note: the specific date you are interested in may not be available, or may not be available in your preferred church.

Contact: enquiries can be submitted to [email protected] You will then be invited to come to a ‘baptism drop in’ where you can complete an application form, book a date, ask questions and talk to a member of the team about what to expect on the day.

· When you make your initial enquiry please note that the admin support is a part time post. We will endeavour to reply within 48 hours but at certain times of the year there may be a delay due to seasonal demands on workload. Your patience is appreciated.

· Please note this is the dedicated email address for baptism enquiries: if you do contact via phone/text/WhattsApp/FB messenger/general enquiries email address you may not get a reply, or our response may be further delayed.

Further information can be found in the FAQs

FAQs: Baptisms in the Astley, Tyldesley, Mosley Common Team

1. Can I request any date: for practical reasons the Team Rector and clergy team agree a list of dates that they are available to offer baptism through the year [and there are seasonal dates when baptisms are not booked ie Advent]. Currently we are only able to offer baptism at St George’s in Tyldesley and St John’s in Mosley Common.

2. Will there be other baptisms on the same day: there may be another family in church on the same day. We aim to have no more than two families booked for baptism on the same date; there may be more than 2 children being baptised ie where a family is having siblings baptised at the same time.

3. How much does baptism cost: The Church of England does not charge a set fee for baptism. However, maintaining our church buildings to ensure they are available for future baptisms, providing certificates and candles all cost money. We ask all families to consider making a minimum donation of £25 to help offset those costs.

4. How many guests can we invite: there is a limit of 40 adults attending baptism services in our churches. The 40 includes parents and godparents but children under 16yrs age are not counted in the 40.

5. Can I take photographs and/or bring a photographer: you are asked to respect the fact that baptism is a holy sacrament; first and foremost, you are attending a church service. You will be asked not to take photographs during the service – there will be opportunities to take photographs round the font after the service. You are welcome to bring a photographer but they will also be asked to respect the “no photographs during the service” request and will be asked not to move around church during the service.

6. How many godparents can I have: guidance from The Church of England states that every child should have at least three godparents, two of the same sex and at least one of the opposite sex to your child. Although there is no official maximum number of godparents, three or four is usual. If you’d like more than that, talk to the clergy team about the practicalities and they’ll be pleased to advise.

7. Who will conduct the service: There are four ministers in our clergy team who can conduct baptism services. The officiating minister will make contact with before the day of the service to introduce themselves to you and to answer any questions you may have. They may ask to visit you at home if their commitments allow them to do so.

If you still have questions please contact us on [email protected]

If you still want to speak to us about booking a baptism please come to the next baptism 'drop in'.

The next Baptism Drop In sessions will take place on Sundays 23rd February & 23rd March, 1pm - 2pm at St George's, Tyldesley.

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