On sale at St Johns
The eco champions at St Johns have a stall where you can buy cleaning products that are good for you and for the earth. Bring a bottle and they will fill it up for you with lovely smelling stuff to have your house all clean and fragrant.
The Eco stall will be open
Sundays before and after church: 9:15am - 9:45am, 11ish - 12ish
Tuesday chat, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 1:30 -3pm
Meet and Eat, 4th Thursday, 12-1:30pm
2nd Wednesday after Communion, 12:15ish or come for communion at 11:30
Morning Mingle 1st Saturday of each month,
10am - 12noon
Miniml Product List
Bottled Laundry Liquid * Bottled Laundry Conditioner * Refill Laundry Liquid * Refill Laundry Conditioner * Washing Up Liquid * Multi-Surface Cleaner * Anti-bacterial Surface Cleaner * Toilet Cleaner * Floor Cleaner * Hand Soap * Anti-bacterial Hand Soap * Body Wash and Bubble Bath * Shampoo * Conditioner * Washing liquid *