In order to book a Holy Baptism you would need to attend a Baptism preparation event at St Stephens in Kearsley. This takes just 15 minutes or so and is generally a chat, at which point you will be invited to make a booking.19/02/2025 @ 6:30pm - St Stephens12/03/2025 @ 6:30pm - St Stephens14/05/2025 @ 6:30pm - St Stephens18/06/2025 @ 6:30pm - St Stephens23/07/2025 @ 6:30pm - St Stephens17/09/2025 @ 6:30pm - St Stephens Please note we are not taking bookings for May through to August due to a planned Sabbatical.Best Wishes,
ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE22nd February 7pm St Johns, Farnworth and St Stephens, KearsleyLENT CourseSt Matthews, Little Lever, BL3 1HH - 7:30pm-9pm - 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and the 29th of March - ALL WELCOMEPalm SundaySt Johns 11am, St Stephens 9:30am,St Stephens 9:30am.Lent Reflections3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th of April at St Saviours Ringley, 7 to 7:30pmMaundy Thursday – 6th April Holy Communion and Stripping of the Altar – St Stephens, Kearsley – 7pm.Good Friday – 7th AprilHoly Trinity, Prestolee and St Saviours, Ringley – Holy Walk at 12noon followed by Stations of the Cross at 2pmSt Stephens, Kearsley – Foot of the Cross – 2pmSt John the Evangelist, Farnworth – Family Easter Crafts – 10amEASTER DAY – 9th AprilSt John the Evangelist – 11amSt Saviours – 9:30am St Stephens – 9:30am
As of January 3rd 2021, we will be meeting at 9.30 am for our family communion service.Sadly, our BCP service remains suspended at this present moment.
From January 3rd, we will be changing our main service time here at St Stephen's.The new start time will be 9.30 am.This will also be the new start time at Stoneclough Parish, currently meeting at St Saviour only.Services at St John the Evangelist will now be starting at 11 am.