
Thank you for all our congregation and community continues to do to support St john's.

In these difficult times, many families are worrying about how they will cope financially, and many local businesses are impacted.  We support Urban Outreach and Westhoughton Assist with donations of food, domestic and personal items. Please bring your donations to church and put in the collection bin in the foyer.   

The church continues to have its expenses and commitments.  In particular,  when we had to recently commit to fixing the Church roof and regular safety checks.  This is stretching our finances and we want to keep St John's at the heart of our community.

If you normally donate money to the church via the envelope scheme and are able to continue making a financial contribution, would you consider setting up a standing order to continue your payments? If you would like information on how to do this, please contact a member of the clergy or one of the Church Wardens who will put you in touch with our treasurer.

If you would like to make a donation to the church by cheque, please make the cheque payable to 'St John's Wingates' and send c/o The Rectory, Market Street, Westhoughton BOLTON BL5 3AZ.